Friday, April 26, 2013

Wrist pain after using weights. Wtf?

Hi, this is my first post; I'm looking for some advice.

I've started doing a little training over the last 3 or 4 weeks.

I bought a pair of adjustable dumbells, and after using them for upper body stuff (overhead press, curls, laterals, etc.) one of my wrists always hurts. It's not constant, but a sharp pain when I twist it, or put any weight on my hand (e.g. when leaning on a table or driving).

This is frustrating, as my arms feel like they barely need a rest day, but my wrist takes 2 or 3 days to stop hurting.

I'm inclined to just push through the pain and ignore it (and that's what I've been doing), but I have a feeling that I'm asking for an injury, and then it would be permanent.

Anyone have experience of this, know what it is, why it's happening or how to fix it?

(The obvious solution would be to use lighter weights, but I can't really do that - they're already pretty pathetic, and I think I'm already getting too many reps out of them).

Thanks in advance, if you have any ideas.


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