Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Run Firefox OS on Windows PC with Simulator

Firefox OS is a whole new Mobile OS developed by Mozilla?s Boot to Gecko project. The operating system does not come installed on any of the phones yet. But you can have a look?at the OS, by simulating it on your Windows PC. This is a Linux-based, open source OS for Mobiles and Tablets. This tutorial will?tell how can you run Mozilla OS on Windows.

Step 1: First of all you need Mozilla Firefox browser running on your PC. If you haven?t installed Firefox yet. You can download and install it. Now you need to download the Firefox OS Simulator ? it is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. You can get the simulator here.

Simulator Download 400x286 Run Firefox OS on Windows PC with Simulator

Step 2: Open Mozilla Firefox. Click on Firefox menu and then on ?Add-ons?. Click on the small settings icon and then click on ?Install add-on from file.? Locate where you?ve downloaded the file in the previous step. Select the file and click on install now.

Step 3: Now you?ve successfully installed the Firefox OS simulator on your PC. To run the simulator, click on Firefox menu and then on ?Web Developer? and then on ?Firefox OS Simulator?, you would be redirected to the Firefox OS Simulator Dashboard, from there you can run the simulator.Simlator Dashboard 400x300 Run Firefox OS on Windows PC with Simulator

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This is how you can install and run this simulator.

Now let?s see how to add apps to the Firefox OS. To add the apps you need the URL of the WebApp file or you can locate directory of the file.

Step 1:?Open the Firefox OS Simulator Dashboard. Add the URL or Select the manifest.webapp from a directory and click on add button.

Dashboard 400x286 Run Firefox OS on Windows PC with Simulator

Step 2: The app will?be added to the app list, you can run or update the app from that list. Click on the Run button and in the simulator window, you will see the app running.

Overall, the Firefox OS Simulator is a very good testing platform. Non-geek users may not want to try this as sometime it results in confusing errors. Let Mozilla?release the full simulator -?or you can wait for a Firefox OS phone to come to the market!

Tomorrow we will see how to run Chrome OS on Windows.

If you have liked this post, you might want to check out some more, on topics like Firefox, Mozilla.

Source: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/firefox-os-simulator-download?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=firefox-os-simulator-download

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